#1- She gets hotter every year!
#2- She still cracks me up
#3- She still sleeps in like a champ, despite 3 kids and now a BIRD??!!
#1- She gets crazier every year!
#2- She has perfect... REDONCULOUSLY perfect skin
#3- She's a good snuggler
#1- She gets more "adventurous" every year with her P90X ambition, working, saving $$, eating healthy, getting left behind in Idaho with the 3 kids and no car and hoping for the best on a wing and a prayer!
#2- She has THE PRETTIEST blue eyes I've ever seen
#3- She will do just about anything to save a little $$!!! For example have her airplane carry-on be filled with groceries!!?!??!
#1- She gets taller and SKINNIER every year (btw-I hate you!! ;0) ).
#2- The girl's got style
#1- The more time I spend with her, the more I like her
#2- She's smart. And confident. "Lick Mead" thinks so too.... ;0)
#3- I think she looks like my cousins on my mom's side- tall, blonde and gorgeous.
#1- You'd think she was married to a dentist, not a DOCTOR b/c of her huge perfect white smile
#2- Here's someone who didn't let 4 kids, one just a baby, nursing, Chief resident husband, or thousands of miles come between her and a rockin' good time with the girls!
#3- FLAT STOMACH (btw- I hate you ;0)
Kami wanted me to post what we all brought as our "Favorites." I thought it was a fabulous idea!
Amy- callus scrubbie thing... can't remember what it's called right now and am too lazy to go look :)
Jill- FABULOUS homemade bracelets and earrings (LOVE mine- btw!!)
Karie- complete list of her fav. recipes
Katie- Mr. Clean magic erasers
Rachel- Mini flip notebooks with her "best pancakes ever" recipe, travel size curel lotion and hand sanitizer.
Shelly- Victoria Secret lip gloss (it even SMELLS sexy)
Me- these yummy 100% fruit+veggie snacks and re-usable Trader Joe's shopping bags.
I also was hoping everyone could post their book recommendations (it seemed everyone had a good book with them). I promised Karie I'd post a link to my favorite music website "Pandora" so here it is:
BTW- Pandora sent me an email and because I listen SO MUCH, I might have to pay $.99/ month to subscribe..... TOTALLY WORTH IT! :) My new favorite station is my broadway musical station. Kami and I are going to see "WICKED" tomorow night- wish you were all coming too!
In summation, it is so amazing to me how much we've grown over the last 6 years. I have nothin' but love and respect for all of you. I want to send a HUGE thank you and HUGE shout out to Kami getting us all together that first year of med school. To quote Elphaba and Galinda (from the musical "Wicked"),
"... who can say if I've been changed for the better, but because I [know] you, I have been changed for good!!!"