Hey Girls,
I guess it's time I try to figure out how to do this whole blogging thing. I have some dang ugly pictures of myself that I need to get on here in honor of Maggie. The first one shows just how saggy my boobs are after only two kids. Here we are all dressed up at the banquet, but I can't keep my eyes open. The last one is of my dirty kids with their "silly hats."
Things are going pretty well. Damon officially started residency a week ago. He worked 88 hours his first week and that was even with having the 4th of July off. We were off to a rough start, but things are going a lot better. We're just trying to stay busy. We have these crazy Greek neighbors that invited us over for the 4th of July. The husband, Boboo (that's the nickname for Bobby that his daughter calls him), is a close talker and a little nuts. I don't know how much of it was the alcohol or what but he went back and forth between Greek and English and almost killed us with a few of the illegal fireworks that "misfired." All in all we really like them and they have a little girl that's close to the kids in age, so we see them a lot.
My first experience with the ward wasn't so pleasant. And the second week wasn't too encouraging either. I felt like we were going to church in a foreign country. There are a lot of other young couples that are doing residency; we're just all really spread out. And the rest of the ward just isn't too interested in us once they find out we're more of "those doctors". Oh well. I went to the zoo with some of the girls from the ward last Friday and we had a good time. I just didn't realize how spoiled I was with our Midwestern group. I haven't organized any girl's nights yet, but I'll have to get working on it.
I hope everyone else is doing well. Maggie, I heard you mowed the lawn since Jason isn't ever home (I still read the boy's blog even if they can't read ours). It sounds like this month is pretty rough for a lot of you wives. Hang in there!
Take care,
oh yeah, thanks for all the concern and good advice with Hallie's sleep problems; things are going much better!
I'm so happy to hear she's sleeping again for you Ann! Everytime my kids have given me trouble (especially with sleeping) I've thought of you. I also saw an episode of "house hunters" a couple of days ago that was in Detroit. They featured the"Grosse Pointe Farms" area. That too made me think of you guys. Sorry about the ward.. it's taking us time to adjust too. It's hard to be "the new people." I'm sick of first impressions and missing people who already know me and like me anyway! ;)
Ann, I have to say that I LOVE your first photo. I hope that someday I will have a photo with my hubby looking at me with love in his eyes. You both just look like you are so in love. It also looks like he will never let you mow the lawn. In Jason's defense I took it upon myself to mow the lawn. I never asked him about it or even gave him warning that I would do it. Good luck with the ward. I picked one friend and when she doesn't work for me anymore then I guess I will shop around for a new friend. How do you like "Good Night, Sleep Tight?"
I love the book. It has helped a lot. I'm looking forward to using it for number three, not that there is a number three in the works yet. I think it's awesome that you mowed the lawn. I guess we don't have much of a choice but to be independent.
Keep mowing,
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