So, sorry to bring this up again, but Kami, need your number because I have questions about soaking nuts for raw meals and Megan, need your recommendations for what to try out of the new book...I am going to try the flax seed "pancakes" this week. Plus, need your mayo recipe. Guys, seriously, I love this stuff. I am not full into like Kami, but I will say I have been eating less processed food and meat and eating more living foods and I have noticed a difference in my energy level, in my skin and my kids are doing so much better. They now ask for a peach or plum instead of crackers or candy. I have no junk food in the house except chocolate chips for the cookies I make. I think I am just getting more into it because my third aunt just got diagnosed with breast cancer (yeah she's the third one) and my grandma and 2 aunts have already had full mastectomies. All in their 40s. My mom's the only one left to get it...she runs everyday and has breastfed nine kids so hopefully it'll bypass her but I doubt it. Anyway, the food is good and it's kinda fun. Only problem is the commissary doesn't carry a lot of stuff I need and it's a half hour drive to town to get anything.
Okay, that's long enough.
Hope everyone is doing okay...Ann, you still alive?