So I thought I should inform you all before the baby comes that I am expecting #6 in December. I have 12 weeks left and feeling fabulous. I didn't tell anyone for a long time because I honestly thought that something was wrong with the pregnancy because I never got sick. Fortunately, the baby looks beautiful and healthy and everything seems to be functioning perfectly. So now I concider the not getting sick simply a tender mercy. I think the Lord knew that I couldn't emotionally or physically handle being sick for 18 weeks like I have been with all the others.
What is the gender you ask? Well that is a very good question! We decided to not find out this time (which is a first for us.) It was the longest hour of my life to sit through that ultrasound and not find out! So to any of you who regularly don't find out, my hat is off to you. You are made of steel! I have been so tempted to go back in and ask our tech to tell me the gender. We are so excited either way. Admittedly, I am somewhat less prepared for a boy than I am a girl but if it happens to be a boy it gives me some great excuses to "need to" shop, although Austin claims that if it is a boy he gets to do all of the shopping so I don't buy anything too prissy. Of course if he does the shopping it will all be done online at the BYU bookstore and it will all come in blue with a cougar or BYU logo somewhere on the outfit. We need to get a new carseat and stroller (our carseat is 8 years old and has been through 5 kids. I dont think they were made to go through that!) So I told Austin that if we have a girl I am totally buying a pink stroller. I think with 6 girls I am entitled to a pink stroller.
So with the coming of this baby we have offically outgrown a minivan! I have always wanted 6 kids but I never emotionally prepared for the possiblity that this would mean I would have to drive a 12 passenger van. It has taken quite a bit of therapy to get through this (J/K). I still am getting used to that size of vehicle but it has actually come in handy a number of times. I have learned that when you have a truck or a 12 passenger van you become an even greater asset to the church. We have done a lot of youth hauling in the last few months and have become greatful that we have it. It is nice to be able to haul not just my kids but all of their friends too. And best of all I don't hear "mom, she's touching me!" Its great.
We had the pleasure of being able to spend a couple of days with Shelly and her family. It was so fun to see them! The transmition in their van went out on their way home from montana so they got to spend a couple of days car shopping here in Omaha. I felt bad that it wasn't under better circumstances for them but we sure had fun having spending time with them and hearing their plans for the future. It brought back a lot of great memories. It made me miss hanging out with all of you. Anyway, If any of you are ever passing through Omaha...
I am very interested to hear what everyones plans are after residency. Many of us are almost done and I would love to hear where everyone is planning on going after. Sorry this is so lengthy! Love you all!