Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Birthday Post

Well, I guess the time has come to finally do my birthday post! I turned 32 this past week. Hard to believe I'm really in my "thirties" but so it is. I'm not really sure what to post about that you don't all already know, but here goes. i'll try to think of something interesting to say, and maybe try to attach a pic, though i've never done that before.
Oop! it worked! there i am, a picture i'm sure one of the kids took of me during our father's day festivities tonight.
Anyway, my birthday itself was fun, jason's on night float right now, but he did bring me flowers that morning and a dark chocolate milky way (my fav). Then the kids and I went to the gym and I went to a spin class so I at least got a little 'me' time for the day! Around noon my parents and sister came to town (my parents live 3 hrs away). So that afternoon we went to an honors event for my mom (she just graduated "magna cum laude" from college!! Go Grandma!!) and afterwards we went to Red Robin for dinner. Then we came back to my house and had cake and ice cream and that was my day!
One thing I thought a lot about on my birthday was how blessed I am to have such great friends and family. I have the greatest husband who works so hard for our benefit and who never complains about it (I think I pick up the slack for him on that...). I have 4 amazing children who are bright, kind, respectful, honest, and who still love to cuddle! (of course they are asleep right now, who's kids aren't perfect when they're asleep?!?!) But it is really my greatest joy, is being their mom. The other night at a fancy dinner for the residents the chief res. introduced me to her parents. She said, "She is the mother of triplets!" and to that her dad said, "well, surely she has other titles than that!" It made me realize that yes, I DO have other titles, but the very best is knowing that I'm my kid's mom.
Anyway, things people maybe don't know about me... I went on a mission to Argentina. I am a RN, but after the kids were born I went back to school and got a second degree, a BA in Spanish Language and Literature. It's totally my passion and if I had my druthers I would go back and get a masters. Maybe someday. When I was younger I rode horses and owned several ponies. I also did "vaulting" which is basically gymnastics on horseback. Once I got to highschool I started to waterski competitively and did so until my mission. I was a level I certified water ski instructor. Now my passion (since we can't quite afford a boat yet... ha ha!) is doing triathlons and running. I love setting goals and competing against myself. I'm lucky to have a husband who supports my obsessions and is always behind me because he knows it's my sanity... Right now the gym membership is a lot cheaper than zoloft, and I told him it was one or the other. :)
My other passion is Autism Awareness and education/research. Since one of my boys was diagnosed at age 2, I have learned more about the disorder than I ever wanted to know, but I am very passionate about educating people on autism, and sharing our successes and failures thus far. It has been by far the hardest thing either Jason or I have ever had to face, but I think our whole family is better for what we're learning as we live in the world of autism.
My favorite thing to eat is a root beer float, I have one almost every night when the kids are in bed, its my special little treat at the end of the day. While I eat my float I do the daily crossword from the paper jason brings me from the hospital. I love doing word puzzles and sudoku.
I love living in Oregon, it is beautiful and there is so much for us to do. There are days that are insanely crazy and I crash at the end of the day, but all in all I have the life I always dreamed of--an amazing husband, a home, a dog, and adorable kids. There's nothing I could really ask for as a birthday wish, I feel like I have it all and that's a great feeling! (although I *really, really* want new bike shoes and pedals, i'm still working on that!)
Thanks for reading this long post. its really late, so I hope it even made sense!
Can't wait for the girls trip in just a month!!


Maggie said...

Wow, Megan! I guess I don't know you very well because I was surprised and impressed with all that you have done. It sounds like you have done a great job remembering time for yourself and still setting goals. Hopefully some of that will rub off on me. I can't imagine getting another degree and still wanting more. Good luck with all your future endeavors. Happy Birthday. By the way, I am totally jealous that you live in Oregon. I only spent two months there and I really, really enjoyed it. The Saturday market under the bridge was one of my favorites.

Adam Jensen said...

Happy Birthday Megan! That was really fun to read :) You are an amazing person, thanks for sharing. I sure miss you and wish I was seeing you and everyone else soon. Maybe next year. Glad you had a nice birthday!

The Mathews Family said...

Yeah Megan!! Happy Birthday! :)

I loved reading this- it wasn't too long at all! I am so impressed with all you've accomplished- nothing seems to slow you down! I know you said you have everything you want, but i really hope you get the bike shoes and pedals too ;)

So looking forward to hanging out in a few weeks! HUGS!

Jill said...

Megan, Happy Birthday. I am glad to hear you are doing so well and so active in so many different areas. Can't wait to see you at next months getaway.

The Kalcichs said...

Megan! I loved reading about you. You have always been such an amazing example to me of the type of woman I would some day like to be. I'm glad to hear that you are happy. I hope you had a great day and that all your wildest dreams came true!

banks said...

Megan, You look so cute. I love your hair short. I was so happy to see you posted. (I am in Idaho right now, so I haven't been checking the blog daily like normal. :))I just wanted to say what a truly amazing person you are. I feel like you are one of my greatest blessing. It's hard for me to image not knowing you. My life has been enhance and enriched from knowing you these last almost 5 years. Thanks for all the love and support you have alway shown me. You are an inspiration to me. Happy Birthday. (Sorry, I never actually got to talk to you on your birthday. I left a message, and thought I would get you called back.)Well, love you tons. Kami

Shelly said...

Happy Birthday. I love your post. It is always so fun learning more about people. You are amazing. I love how content and happy you sound. I too love your short hair. It looks really cute on you. Have you liked it? I think it is great you have so many things you are able to do that you enjoy doing. Well, Happy Birthday. I really wish I could have come and seen you all for the girls' weekend...hopefully next year.