Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter "Out-takes"

I thought I'd share my kids' Easter photo "Outtakes" this year. To be 100% honest, that's about all there were. We had like one decent photo out of 90 or so!

We had a really fun time decorating eggs with some other resident friends and then having an Easter egg hunt in their 11 acre orchard!

Here's a funny coincidence, last Easter Sunday, Dillon went to the ER with two broken arms. THIS Easter Sunday, Charlie went into the ER with Serum Sickness (they think... still not sure)! Check out these fun photos ------>

Looks like he had the crap beat out of him or something, but really he had some crazy allergic reaction to a virus (again... they think) which caused him to break out into hives, followed by swelling, stiffness, high fever, and PURPLENESS of the joints. Poor kid. He was pretty miserable, but still adorable :)


Adam Jensen said...

Your kids are getting SO BIG! Poor Charlie! I hope he gets better soon!

Maggie said...

I love the outakes. My favorite is the tie in the face. Your kids are so cute.