Thursday, October 7, 2010

What's new?

I have just been thinking about you all and wondering how life is going, now that several of us are done with residency. Where is everyone and how is life going? Time for some updates!



The Shelton Family said...

Yeah, where is everyone now? If anyone knows how to get a hold of Ann Marie, we need her contact info. Trent needs to get in touch with Anderson. Email it to me if you don't want to put it on the blog. Megan, how is Hawaii???

Shelly said...

I think everyone already knows, but I will leave a short little update anyway. We are in Sioux Falls, SD (a place I didn't even know existed 1 1/2 years ago). I won't lie it has been a huge adjustment for me. I have always been so incredibly blessed to have always lived in areas with very social people. I absolutely live for social interaction. I LOVE to be involved and do everything. Unfortunately, this ward is not very socially inclined. The people have been nice but I'm used to having walking group, playgroup, cooking group, book club etc. They have none of that here. It has also been hard cause I got called into the nursery so I really don't interact with people. We are currently living in an apartment which also makes it difficult. There are some things I love though. I really like the girls' school. The teachers are great. Ken also really likes his job. I also like that it is a very family friendly city. It is so weird to go to the park and see actual families. It is not unusual to see a mom, dad and their 4 kids! I NEVER saw this is Toledo, OH. I would love to hear how everyone else is adjusting.