Thursday, July 3, 2008

Oh Yeah, I Had A Birthday

Here I am, 28 years old (as of LAST month, June 6th). My last few birthdays have been kind of duds and this year was not much different. Andersen left for work before I was awake and went straight from work to night call so it was just me and the boys all day. Just the normal whirlwind of destruction despite my occasional reminders that it was my birthday and they should all take a break. My brother had also gotten married the weekend before in Salt Lake and their reception just happened to be the day after my birthday, so that night (while andersen was on night call) I went to my parent's house to help with reception preparations, not exactly enjoyable when tensions are high. But, by Sunday I finally got some pie and ice cream and Andersen had bought me a beautiful necklace, which was the first piece of jewelry he's bought me since my wedding ring. Here's a picture of my flaming pie.
Not too shabby hu? I can really light it up! Wow, what a lame post. I feel like I'm in some kind of funk and I can't quite put my finger on what's wrong. It may have something to do with recently moving 32hrs away from my family, or facing another year of tight budgeting and single parenting, or that my oldest just turned 7 today and I really don't feel that old, or just that I'm about due for my first period in 3yrs. Like I said, I can't quite put my finger on it, but I feel that as long as I know one thing I can keep it all together. The one thing that I know? I have a father in heaven who knows my struggles and HE has all the answers. Sorry for the random outburst, especially after months of not posting, but I think I'm feeling better already. Happy Birthday to me.


The Mathews Family said...

Hey AnnMarie!! Happy Birthday!! I hear ya. My birthdays are always like that- ladeedah. Whoopdeedoo. I'm another year older :)

I think you have quite a good list of things to feel "Funky" about. I feel that way often enough. That's when I go into robot mode. Just get up, and get 'er done.

I can't remember when I got my post natal period last time, but I remember it was a doozy and so I too have that to look forward to in the near future... maybe that's why my face looks like a war zone this week... Ah Oh! ;)

Happy 28th! Hope you start feeling better soon - HUGS!


The Kalcichs said...

I feel for you too, AnnMarie! I can't believe you guys moved again! I hate moving and I can't imagine doing it with 4 kids. How do you like Kentucky? I think starting over is so hard and all of those factors would definitely put me into a funk, too! I'm sure you are still amazing. I'm glad you posted. Let us know what else is going on with your new life. And I'm so sorry about the period. It's so unfair! I think I would rather be pregnant than have a period. I hope things turn around for you! You are such an awesome mother and I think that is evident by the fact that Heavenly Father sent you 4 boys. He must have a lot of faith in you to raise great young men. Take care of yourself!

hughes family said...

happy birthday annmarie! sorry your b-day was uneventful, and so sorry you just moved so far away from your family. ya, i think a funk would definitely come with all of that. but good you have a great perspective on things.
i laughed when you said you kept reminding your kids it was your b-day...i did the same thing, in fact i think i threw some tears in with it, crying, begging them, "its my birthday for crying out loud! can't you just cooperate and listen to me?!!" yikes.
anyway, glad you got some jewelry and a GREAT looking pie! yum! gotta love th elittle things.

banks said...

So good to hear from you. Hang in there. It is so good to know that we have a Heavenly Father who knows what we are going through, and that his path for each of us is so individualized. Happy Birthday!! Loves, Kami

Maggie said...

Happy Birthday!! I would love to see a pic of your ring. But I guess I will just have to go to your blog for that. Let me know how the period goes. It has been over three years for me too. Jason tells me my insides are rotting and really gross. I am dreading it as well. I would love to know more about Kentucky.

Jill said...

AnnMarie, Hope things are going a little better. I remember being so angry when I started my period after Taylor I thought come on I'm still nursing here, no matter when it comes back its a drag. Keep hangin in there. Happy Late Birthday!!