Monday, July 21, 2008

Where's the Girl's Getaway post?

I have been waiting and waiting to hear how the girl's weekend went. I want to see pictures and hear funny stories and inside jokes that I have no idea what you mean. It makes it very hard to pretend that I went to the girl's getaway when I have no details. Please someone post something. If you don't I will make up my own post of what happened and it might look something like this...


Jill said...

Maggie I keep sitting down wanting to post then I remember I only brought a disposable camera and can't post any pics. Just imagine a girls night extended versioin. Maybe kami or Jenny have posted pics on their blogs, I know they got some cute ones. Hope more people can make it next year. Yes we are already trying to plan on where to have it.

The Kalcichs said...

Maggie, you crack me up! I've been waiting for some pictures and details, too!

The Mathews Family said...

Hahaha! Maggie- Kami's on the ball and has a post on her blog :) I've been working bit by bit to get one done- it should be up soon!! We missed you :(