Thursday, December 31, 2009

We finally have a job...

With the scholarship payback looming over our heads, we've had a stressful few months of trying to figure out where we'd end up for the next four years. It ultimately came down to two good choices, both of which offered him a spot.
We had to choose between this little dot on the map in the midwest...
And this:

Needless to say, we went with Hawaii. Jason will be working in a small rural clinic on the North Shore of Oahu. So, every day we'll see the ocean and beautiful views of the Ko'olau mountains

And we get to live right by this

We feel so fortunate to be able to do our payback in such a beautiful spot of the world where our kids will learn so much about culture and be exposed to a more relaxed, less competitive lifestyle for a while. A few months ago we thought we would be destined for either American Samoa or an indian reservation. The site in Hawaii came up just at the right time. Maybe the scholarship wasn't such a bad deal after all...

(Girl's trip 2011 in hawaii anyone?!)


The Kalcichs said...

Congratulations! I am all for a Hawaii girls trip! I couldn't be happier for you guys!

Joni said...

how exciting! You couldn't have lucked out more. What a wonderful expirience for you and your fam. I would love a girls trip there!

The Mathews Family said...

YES!! Megan I am SO SO SO excited for you and I totally would have picked Hawaii over whereversville Missouri! ;0)

Congratulations!! I am ALL FOR a girl's trip in Hawaii in 2011. FOR SURE!

Shelly and Ken said...

SO exciting! I'll be honest, I'm jealous. What a neat experience. We are still in the deciding stage. Things keep changing for us. We are hoping to hear from a place this week and then be able to make our decision shortly after.

Adam Jensen said...

AWESOME!!!! I am so excited for you guys!! yes! Girls trip 2011 in Hawaii sounds awesome. I am there!

Maggie said...

Wow. You are so lucky. My uncle lives over there. Maybe you will be in his ward or something. I loved Portland and now you get Hawaii. I am getting so jealous. Good luck with the move.

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