Thursday, January 7, 2010

So Much Good News!!

I am so jealous of everyone. Congrats Joni and Megan. I am 10 weeks away (from delivery of my baby girl) and it seems like an eternity. Megan...Heck yeah...girl's weekend with you next year. You will love it. There is a lot you can do through BYU-H there too. Have fun. Anyway, I got home and got all your Christmas cards. I am such a slacker but I just posted a huge blog on the family blog, so if you care, take a peek and that's the best I can do for now. I am frantically studying to retake my boards in a month so free time is limited. Anyway, well, Have a Happy New Year!!!


Maggie said...

I can't even imagine having to take tests while being pregnant. You should get some kind of award. Good luck with your boards.

Adam Jensen said...

good luck with your boards Karie and the rest of your pregnancy too! :)

The Mathews Family said...

Oh crud Karie, seriously? Boards on top of everything else, huh? Sorry to hear.

Good luck with the next couple of months! I hope it goes by easy peasy rice and cheesey!


hughes family said...

ugh, karie, i can't imagine having to take boards on top of life in general and being 30 wks pregnant. wow! hang in there!! your blog looks great, your kids are so cute and they look so happy! i'm sure amelia will love having a little sis to be her ally. how exciting. good luck with boards!!!