Saturday, January 30, 2010

Rachel's 28th Birthday

Ok now that it's almost feb I better hurry up and post my bithday stuff :)
It was on Jan 8th!
It seems like life has been busy although I can't pin point exactly why. So sorry I am late.
I had a really nice 28th birthday. I started my day with my aerobics class and that felt good. Then I made myself an egg mc muffin for breakfast :) so good!
Adam had to work but made the best of it. He came home for lunch with some beautiful roses :) We ordered my favorite pizza for dinner Canadian bacon and pineapple...mmmmmm!
Then the next day Adam and Kyler slaved over making my favorite bday cake carrot cake from scratch with lemon cream cheese frosting, it is divine!
I look forward to it every year :)
I got a sentsy warmer for my bday and have been loving trying out new smells. (they sell them at the cell phone store :) haha
anyway nothing fancy, but a great birthday and i felt very loved!

I can't think of what else I am supposed to write for my bday post. I have enjoyed my step aerobic class and yoga class. Especially the yoga class.. ahhhh... makes my body happy!
I have been learning to knit (the grandma way, you know with needles) and that has been fun. I am pretty impatient learning new things that take time... I want to be a expert right a way and try all the hard patterns and usually get frustrated and give up... so i am trying to be patient :)
I am always enjoying a good book... and looking for new recipes to try out.

My sister in law has taught me how to make some pretty sweet earrings, and that can be pretty addicting! I am excited to be done with residency although I will miss the people here.
Maybe this is weird but I am nervous to move to utah.. maybe those of you who grew up outside of utah will understand. I am just nervous about the "culture" of utah and the homogeneous environment. I just grew up with, what I felt like was a lot of diversity and liked it... so we'll see. I am sure it will be fine. I will enjoy living a half hour from a temple and seeing family more. Change is difficult but good... maybe it's good because it's difficult :)

Also sorry I haven't replied about Girl's weekend. I don't have a strong opinion as to where. I will be living close to Adam's parents so it wont be hard to get most places. I think it would be nice to do it another part of the country for those who haven't been able to attend yet.

I think if we did it in Utah/Idaho we should do a family get together. I know my husband would love to see his buddies too. I mean I would be up for doing both... but I know that is hard for some. I definitely want to have girls weekend. In addition I would like to plan a reunion where the families could get together or at least the couples.

As far as our summer plans so far we are graduating June 25th and then moving the following weekend. Then we have a family reunion Aug 7th 8th if I remember right.

anyway that's my input. Miss you all and hope all is well with you and your families!


Joni said...

Happy birthday Rachel! You look fantastic! Where in Utah are you moving? Gunnison area? How exciting for you! I miss Utah. On the surface it looks like everyone is the same and that is what the stereotype of Utah is but I think when you actually are in the mix you can see how diverse the people are in their backgrounds and personalities and understanding of the gospel. I found just as many opportunities to share the gospel living in Utah as I have in Omaha where the church is really small. The only difference is the people learning the gospel there have already been baptized. I am excited for you to go to Utah. You are so good and strong and I think that you will influence a great number of people to internalize the gospel that they already have and quite a number that don't have the gospel yet. I am sure that I am not making any sense but what I am saying is dont be scared of Utah. Utah needs strong people like you to make it stronger. It still is the mission field, everybody just forgets that.
on another subject, I totally agree with you about the families getting together. I know Austin totally misses seeing the guys as well he just stinks at keeping in touch but all football season he would say, "I've got to call Damon about that play..." and he is always asking me for updates on what the guys are doing. So I think that is a great idea!
Anyhow, happy birthday!!!

hughes family said...

happy birthday rachel!!! (late i guess!) you look GREAT, i love your big smile! where in ut are you moving to? i completely know what you mean about going to 'utah', i think it would be hard for me to be in the 'utah culture', but joni is right, you guys will bring such an energy and light no matter where you go. your optimism will serve you well! when we were considering moving to samoa, i was on a flight down there and during the in-flight movie that i was only half watching, i heard one of the characters say, "sometimes the greatest change brings the greatest opportunities." that totally stuck with me and i think of it all the time, especially as many of us are approaching changes and adjustments. you're right, change is hard, but it will bring many opportunities for your family. My SIL is very heavily involved in the special needs community in SLC. If you will be anywhere near salt lake i'd love to put you in contact with her. she has a ten year old with autism and she is a total activist for people with special needs (she goes to the capitol all the time). anyway, happy birthday! great to read about what you are up to!

The Mathews Family said...

HI Rachel! Happy birthday!

Love the photos, you really look great and super happy. I'm so glad your birthday was good! I know we talked about doing a reunion with the families last girls weekend. That would be SO FUN! I'm up for it!

Maggie said...

Happy Birthday. I love yoga too. Any excerise that has a nap at the end is the best! I would be scared to move to Gunnison with all those Egglestons. Are they even still down there? Hopefully Adam knows who I am talking about. If not, watch for them.

Adam Jensen said...

haha! He does know the Egglestons! I have heard many a story about them. But actually I think they live in Idaho??
Thanks for all the Birthday wishes and advice :)