Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Apple Pickin'

Yesterday we went to an apple orchard with the Grosse Pointe Mom's Club. The festivities started with a hay ride out to the apple orchard.

Hallie went right to work picking her apples.

The kids also got to pick out one pumpkin. Here's Zeke in search of the "perfect pumpkin."

He found it! I never knew five apples and a pumpkin could make a boy so happy.
After all the hard work we had some delicious donuts and apple cider.
Then the kids got to play. They had some cute farm animals. Zeke's asking, "Is your Mama a Llama?" No, but she might be a goat!

Hallie of course LOVED the ponies.

I thought these giant tractors made out of hay bales were so fun.
We also did a small corn maze which Zeke was determined to stay lost in. Somehow we made it out.
It was a gorgeous day and we had so much fun. I loved being outside all day. It's so fun to have seasons and fall in Michigan is wonderful!


The Kalcichs said...

Woops - this was supposed to go on my blog. I guess you'll get a double dose!

Maggie said...

Thanks for the mistake. It is super cute. Looks like you had a lot of fun. By the way, I just love Zeke's haircut. He looks so cool.

The Shelton Family said...

So cute. Love zeke's hair. He looks so old. Oh man, I miss you guys. I am in Vale,OR right now. Anyway, how you doin with the pregnancy and all??? Hope you are feeling okay. Do you know what you are having yet?
Well, glad you are having fun and hope your hubby is still surviving downtown detroit. Trent read me what he wrote on their blog a while back....scary. Anyway, cute family.