Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Where my girls at?

I know, I know, its back to school time and everyone's lives are crazy getting kids back in the school year routine! I'm down and out sick with a nasty cold and decided to take a minute and post a shout out to you all :)

I'm really starting to feel the "Soccer mom" title everyone seems to give me now! With Dillon and Charlie in school, gymnastics and Karate and a renewed YMCA membership, my day begins way early- I spend way too much of it in the car and the day ends at least an hour earlier than it used to!!

I'm loving it, though. A routine helps me make better use of my time and energy. This cold hit me like a brick wall and the routine is on hold until I can breathe again! ;0)

I must say, that after the first month of 2nd year, things REALLY improved! James only has between 4 and 5 call days per rotation! Sometimes he'll go like 10 days without a call shift! He doesn't have to go to work at 5:30 hardly ever anymore!!! Thank goodness for that. Next month he has an away rotation, so that won't be fun, but I can handle it after what we went through last year!

What are you guys up to? I've read your blogs, but there's absolutely NO NEWS from Joni- anyone? Has she had her baby? Who's next- Jill or Katie? Ann maybe? I saw that Shelly is expecting so that makes five babes on the way with NO UPDATES in months!! I know Kami and Brett are in Florida and house hunting is going well.. They met some friends of ours there and are hooking up with them for dinner next Sunday!

Also, SHELLY, You're in big trouble, girl.... you have yet to post your birthday post and your birthday was nearly a whole month ago!!!! Big big trouble! ;)

Just thinking of you ladies and hope you're all still hanging in there ;)


Jill said...

Jenny, sorry its been so long glad to hear you are liking 2nd year and the routing with school. Hear ya about the colds. Caden brought home something and today Taylor and i have been a little under the weather.
Joni I have been thinking of you too. I tried to send an email a very long time ago but it bounced back. would love to hear how you are doing, Hope well.
Ann I know the time comes soon. I'm sure you'll know the date your baby is coming before I do, since it will probably be scheduled let us all know, even though we aren't there knowing somehow makes me feel in the loop like I can somehow offer help by just thinking of you.
Hope everyone is enjoying 2nd year of residency. Miss all of you, crazy how dependant I was on all of you with our girls nights.

hughes family said...

hey, i've been wondering where everyone is too! we've been busy with starting kindergarten and all the fun that goes with that. the school has only called me a few times the first week, so i guess thats pretty good, huh?! ha ha! charlie has a really sweet teacher who used to be a sp. ed teacher, so she is perfect for him, and the other two are doing great in their class. fun times. and i'm LOVING the little rest i get for 2 hours every afternoon.
jenny, i'm sorry you are so sick. that is the worst. i hate colds. i hope you feel better soon.
i want updates from all the pregnant ladies out there too!!

Adam Jensen said...

amen :) this blog has been dead and I kept thinking I should post something.... but could never think of anything in particular...So thanks Jenny for breaking the ice ;) Yes I want to hear how the babies are!!! missing everyone and I am liking 2nd year a little better... but still have my doubts. NICU stinks but everything else has been alright. We'll see when 10 days a month of home call in Wray sets in starting Oct! I love/hate moving. Love getting rid of junk, hate moving :)

Britt said...

Alright, I know I get counted out a lot with you gals because I lived out in Surprise and rarely attended the girls nights. But, I do check this blog every so often to see how you are all doing.

Jenny- I need to correct you. I suppose no one has ever known that the DeMills have had a blog since moving to OH so then you wouldn't know that we are also expecting in October around the 14th. We're having our second boy so we'll be evening up the score with 2 and 2.

I had a roommate in college that always used to say to the rest of us, "You guys always leave me in the dark!" Although it made us laugh because of the way she said it she made a good point for me. So, since that freshmen year at BYU I've tried to be better at letting friends, regardless of distance,know what is up in the life of our family. So, now you know. It is fun to read up on all of you every once in a while.

Maggie said...

I have been missing everyone as well. Life is pretty good over my way. Jason has gone been able to go to church with me every Sunday since July. His call days for now are three call days a month. I am just as surprised as you. He kept telling me that things were not going to get better but I think they have. I am just scared that things will get crazy again.
I have started running to get ready to train for my marathon. I don't actually start my training program until the end of October but I want a good running base. I even don't hate running which I did a couple months ago. I kind of enjoy it while I am doing it. I also can't wait to hear more from the women with childs.

The Kalcichs said...

It's so good to hear from all of you! We had a girl's night at my house last night and it made me long for the good old days. Britt, Congratulations! I just realized that you were pregnant about a month ago when I was scrolling through your blog. I think that Joni, Jill, Britt and me are all due within about a week of each other. We could have had quite a baby boom if we were all still in the same area. I'm having the baby 5 weeks from yesterday. Sometimes it feels too soon and sometimes I can't wait! Good luck to everyone!