Tuesday, July 28, 2009

So, this is totally lame but I have no pics of our girls weekend. I let you guys take them with all your cameras and didn't even get one with mine. Seriously, what was I thinking. ANyway, you all better post yours so I can get some good ones. I see Amy wasn't bashful about posting all hers. Ha ha....and yes, trent did pick the blue one but I still like the pink better. Jenny your bows are being put to good use. The headbands aren't working so well but will keep trying. I just can't get her hair to lay right in the front when I put them on. Any tips? This is the first time I have really done anything with her hair. I thought she was so cute and I did pretty good for a beginner.

Okay, now for the news you are all wondering about. I never did start and thus the positive test. I am not making it known to the family so if you accidentally run into someone who knows us, it's hush hush. I am only 5 weeks or something. Yikes....will say I am feeling not really excited yet...mainly overwhelmed and wondering how I am going to do it. Hopefully the giddy feeling will come. How did/do all of you do it? We are moving in a month and with all the other little things/projects and work, I don't how this is going to work but I guess I have to have a little more faith.

Anyway, amazing time with all you girls. Can't wait to see you all again.


The Mathews Family said...

I KNEW IT!!!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! Congratulations Karie! You will be amazing as mommie of 4. You do three so well and really seem to love it, I know 4 will be no biggie for you. :) May I also say that Amelia looks SO DANG CUTE with those adorable piggie tails and as far as the headbands go, I just comb annabelles hair and kind of lay the headband over it. She is just used to them, so she doesn't really mess with them or anything. If they really don't work out, you can either send them back and I'll refund your $$, or I can tell you how to adjust them for new baby, should IT be a SHE :) :) YAY!

Brizzee said...

Karie I am so giddy for you! I know how you are feeling about wondering how to do it with four, but not to the degree you are because you don't know what is coming, but I know you will do great. I have been wondering about that the past couple of days. Congrats. If Trent has to leave you just come to Idaho for the summer and let me and your siblings take care of you.

Brizzee said...

By the way that made it sound like I am also pregnant and I am not. (yet) That is funny Jenny and I posted at the exact same time.

The Mathews Family said...

HI AMY! :)

hughes family said...

YAY KARIE!!!!! CONGRATS to you!! i'm so happy for you. i know i'm sure you are totally overwhelmed by the whole prospect, i can totally relate to that. but its your little family and you guys will figure it out and make it work for you. you have endured some pretty harsh things (...winter in ND to name one...) and you are an amazing mom. they are so lucky to have you. i admire you so much, you're smart, you work hard, you're patient, you eat well and exercise, and you always seem to have a smile on you face. i REALLY hope you are feeling okay. remember, it won't be the baby thats challenging, it will be doing the other three. :) i'm actually jealous, because since maya is most likely our caboose, i'm sad every day by how fast she is changing and growing. i'd relive her pregnancy and birth over a thousand times if i could.
CONGRATS to you, and please keep us posted. BTW, where are you guys moving to?
love, meg

The Kalcichs said...

Congratulations, Karie! I agree with everyone else: you are amazing and you will do a great job! I hope you feel well throughout the pregnancy. It sounds like you are so busy with moving and everything else in your life. I wish I was around to help. Good luck!

Maggie said...

Yeah for another baby!! I would be overwhelmed at the thought of having a third so I don't even know what you are going through. Where are you moving to? I checked you blog but couldn't find where it said. By the way your blog is great.

Jill said...

Karie I am very excited for you there is nothing like a new baby. Its taken me a while to leave a comment though, because some people say three is there breaking point and some say its four. Four was mine, finally feeling a little less chaos. The baby is the good one its the other three I sometimes considered.... well all sorts of things.:)But you will love it and do great, I would love it if I was a little more like all you wonderful ladies.