Tuesday, November 4, 2008

DeMill Halloween

Hello to you all! We had a great Halloween out here in Ohio. The past weeks have been really chilly and it was seeming that summer jumped right into winter and forgot about fall. We were pleasantly greeted Halloween day with 70 degree weather which made the festivities all the more enjoyable. Admittedly, it is hard for me to have fun when I'm COLD! Plus, I was trying to figure out all week how to keep the kids warm and still make their costumes visible since covering them up with coats would have instigated some monstrous fits (especially from our 4 yr. old!) It is a tradition on Halloween night to eat soup and bread sticks for dinner before we hit the neighborhood and gather our spoils. We all had a really fun time. I thought it was great to be free from a swollen belly and to be able to walk more than twenty feet without having to sit down for a spell. Dashle was quite humorous as he was determined to walk the entire time and maintained tight, clenched fists around his bucket handle. We would offer to hold it for him, but he would have none of it. Instead of "trick or treat" he would say, "peeaasss (please)" and then "a- doe" (thank you). Then as he walked down each driveway with Shyler after collecting the goods he would pause and look at me with a scrunched face and say, "cheeessse!" ( I was the photographer). So cute!
It's pretty sweet when your kids say they want to be just like their dad.

My kids are posers! I barely have to say anything. I simply turn the camera towards them and they instantly pose (sort of like Tina Fey when impersonating Sarah Palin).
Here's our biggest cheeser of all!
Big Daddy had to step in and help Thomas the Tank Engine, Tinkerbell, and Dr. DeMill Juniorette retrieve candy from this spooky house. It didn't matter that the bat flying around was fake! It was flying and that was all that mattered!
Coy even got in on the action as a little bear cub. The night seemed uneventful for him as he slept the whole time. I probably would've, too, if I couldn't sample the treats. What's the point of staying awake if you only have gums?


Adam Jensen said...

What an awesome family! Brit you are lookin so good!

The Mathews Family said...

SO cute! What an adorable family I love the little tank engine. I want to squish him! What a charmer.

And, yeah- you look amazing Britt! Some people are just made to have babies and still look amazing! :)

The Kalcichs said...

What a cute family you have, Britt! I agree, you are a hot mama! I wish I could look like that after having a baby or at any point in my life. I can't believe you have four kids!

Jill said...

Britt your family is so cute. love the picture with the flying bat. I am sure my kids would have done the same. love all the cute pictures.

Maggie said...

What a sweet family. The doctor scrubs look so good. You are lucky your children pose. I pull out the camera and the kids come running to look from my side.