Sunday, November 16, 2008

When should we do girls weekend???

Hi everybody, I am trying to cordinate my schedule and Austin's leave and my first trip to Disneyland (wahoo!!!) and girls get together all for July. The sooner we pick a date the better I can plan to be there. The weekend of the 17th sounds really good to me since Karie already mentioned that date as a possiblility for her. Do we have a date set yet?


The Shelton Family said...

Yes, I am hoping for the 17th. That would be the best for me.

Jill said...

THat sounds good to me, as I have no idea what Jeremy will be doing next July. I will just plan for it for whenever it is decided.

Adam Jensen said...

we moved our reunion in UT to June so I guess I don't care when it is. The 17th is ok for me. I was hoping that we would keep our reunion in UT in July so I would only have to buy a one way ticket.... but oh well I will do my best to get there.