Thursday, November 5, 2009

Shelton Halloween

Everyone's kids are getting so big...and cute. I think I already announced that I was expecting but we found out this week that it's a GIRL!! Yeah...I am so excited for Amelia to have a sister. Anyway...Halloween was a blast as well. I posted more details on my family blog so check there if interested. We also just finished moving in to our new house, still on the Minot AFB, but they are tearing our very old house down, so it was a busy month. Well, here are my kiddos. They were tons of fun and I am looking forward to the holidays this year.


Jill said...

I love these pictures with their candy dumped out. so classic. Love the smell of a halloween bucket of candy. Our kids dump, sort, barter, and trade once home. Fun stuff. I love all the costumes very cute.

The Mathews Family said...

YAY about the GIRL!!!! And YAY about the new house! So SO SOOOOOO happy for you Karie. I would love a sister for Annabelle..... too bad I just can't seem to summon enough courage to try for one! ;0) The kids are too cute. Love the peter pan costume - we have the exact same one Dillon wore a couple of years ago. I just had a really good idea.... hmmmm......

Brizzee said...

How perfect is that, that you are having a girl. So fun. Your kids look so cute.

Adam Jensen said...

2 boys and 2 girls! perfect! congrats!