Ok :)
Well I am finally getting to my full birthday post!
Just a side note first. Hayden is doing awesome, we love him so much!!! He is eating better and better (breastfeeding is a struggle for this little guy, but he is making big strides.) Also getting more and more alert, which is so fun! He barely cries, which is so great ;) After contacting the DS support groups etc. here we really feel so informed and ready to move forward and work with Hayden to help him reach his potential. It's funny I told Adam I feel like we are in this special club now :) It was scary at first to learn of his disability, but I realized that I really didn't know as much as I thought I did about Downs Syndrome and that he has opportunities just like the rest of us and can achieve what ever he wants, it will just takes extra time and effort.
I can't wait to see his little sweet personality emerge and the rewards from having another child in our family.
so some of my stregnths...
hmmm... I love people. All kinds, I love meeting new people and love to talk. I love to find out about different cultures and experiences. I think most people out there are good and thoughtful. I always give people the benefit of the doubt. If I ever think someone says something that hurts me, I always try to see things from their perspective and make an excuse for what they said or what they did. I think this is a good trait but in the past I have gotten walked on and not treated so great, so I have learned a little balance in this area over the years.
I am a planner, I like to know what to expect and be prepared. I gained some added experience in this area from Adam who is the expert planner and true boyscout of being prepared! This used to be one of my greatest weaknesses, being a procrastinator and struggling to plan for goals I had. But I am glad I have worked on this and have become a little more organized. I still have scatterbrained days for sure!!!!
ps. I think the above could also count for weakness too :) allowing people to walk on you and being so anal, and when things don't work out just how you planned, fretting about it!
Some of my birthday wishes!
1. flowers just because
2. some new athletic shoes (I miss my new balance discount!)
3. some more nursing pj's from motherhood, they are great!
4. a new hair do! always a necessity after giving birth!!
5. the best physical therapist for Hayden
6. for people to see Hayden first and then his disability as secondary
7. no more friday/sunday call for a long time!
8. A free super responsible babysitter for every friday Adam is avail ;)
9. for the snow to melt some and warm up a bit so Kyler can get out a little more
(snow was fun at first and during the holidays, but I am missing the mild AZ winters!!!! I guess since my pregnant heater is gone, I am so cold now!!!)
Well I love and miss you all! I really love that we can keep in touch on this thing. You all are wonderful, beautiful women!!!!
OH yeah, I almost forgot. I am 26 now. I think it's a good age. 25 wasn't so good, I had a hard time with it, but I like 26! It sounds like a great mature age and good for where I am in my life. It's funny with the group of friends at church and residents I am still the youngest. I know that is nothing to complain about so stop shaking your head ;) but I just find it weird that I am always one of the youngest.... it wont always be so, so I should enjoy it I guess :)