Thursday, May 22, 2008

"If nothing else, your consistant!"

That is what the ultrasound tech said when he announced that we are having another girl! Yep, we have officially added enough girls to our family that we can have our own girls basketball team with Austin as the coach and me naturally as the ref! We are really excited! The girls all want to name her Mariposa (after the new barbie movie that we haven't even seen yet!) However, right now we are thinking of Kylie Simone, we aren't 100% sure on that though so please let me know if you think of a cute name. We are running out of girl names that we agree on. We have seriously contemplated a few of your kids names because they are so darn cute! Anyway, we only have 18 weeks to go officially (16 unofficially!)


Maggie said...

Congratulations!! I am so happy for you. I love the name you are considering. Feel free to use any our names, Jade and Elise. Also I don't want to pressure you but Maggie is climbing the ranks of popularity. Anyway the names we love but not together are Dorothy, Montana, and Marley. Good luck picking a name. Jason hates that part the most of having a baby. I guess it is because he doesn't want to compromise. But I don't want to tell my daughter that yes she is named after a man, a sweaty football player at that. All your girls now have beautiful names. You will do just fine.

Jonathan & Rachel said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting. You need to have lots of girls because you make such cute ones!! Love the will be so fun to see who she will look like! Congrats again!

Adam Jensen said...

Yeah :) Congratulations! Her profile is so cute. I am so happy for you guys. Hey at least you wont have to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe for a boy :)

Brizzee said...

Congrats! I can,t believe it is another girl. I'm thinking you will have to go buy a whole new wardrobe because your clothes should be about worn out by now right. You must be the best mother on earth to be entrusted to five girls. My one girl keeps me on my toes at all times. Well lets hope Austin is a very good doctor because you have five weddings to pay for. Congrats again, the name sounds cute.

The Mathews Family said...

Yeah, seriously! Austin better be rollin' in it by the time they start getting married! ;) lol Personally, I don't think I know anyone who does baby girls better than you guys, so why not!? I'm sure that some of the ladies in my ward would love to trade you, though. Its a literal baby boy FACTORY here! Seriously!! I think I'll wait til after residency to have our 4th child ;)

AH, but seriously, Congratulations Joni! Kiley is a cute name. One of my good friends just had a baby one week ago yesterday and named her Kiley. Our other favorite names are (and feel free to use one if you like them) Evelyn, Keslie, Molly, and Lucille. Good luck!

hughes family said...

congrats joni!! i'm so happy for you guys! you are so lucky to have FIVE girls!! how fun!! no advice on baby names, it is so hard i think. ...and after 4, i'm sure you've used the ones you've loved for years. i love kylie, thats very sweet. but, mariposa is cute too. ;) thanks for sharing with us!

banks said...

Joni, Congrats! What a fun house you will always have to play at. My aunt had six girls and I always begged my mom to let me go and stay there for weeks at a time. Think of all the fun girls shopping trips you can do. I am so excited for you. Good luck with the name. My girls would love it if you named her Mariposa:)Kami

Shelly said...

Congratulations! You guys are going to have so much fun with 5 girls. Austin is just going to have to "adopt" a boy for things like the father/son campouts. A friend of ours did that. They have all girls and there is a boy that does not have a dad. Good luck with the names. Ken and I always struggle with names too. It is frustrating cause Ken does not like some of my favorite names. I think the name Kylie is really cute.

The Kalcichs said...

I just watched Pride and Prejudice and it made me think of you - five Bennet Sisters. I guess you'll have the 5 Healey girls. I hope you're feeling alright. I can't imagine keeping up with four kids, a resident husband, being Primary President AND being pregnant. You truly are a Super Mom! Take care of yourself and Congratulations! Oh yeah, I know not many people would even think of this, but Mariposa is butterfly in Spanish, and it's also the slang word they use for gay men in Mexico. I'm not seriously worried about your naming your daughter that, I just wanted to let you in on that little bit of information. Good luck with EVERYTHING!