Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My 27th B-day!

So, yesterday was my 27th birthday. Hooray! I feel so much older and SO much wiser than 2 days ago. It was a really great day, and I felt so loved from everyone around me. Steve worked until 3 that morning, then had to go in at 5pm, so we had to change things up a bit from our usual dinner out and cake and ice cream, followed by kids to bed and movie watching.

I got up at 7:30 and Steve jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs before me to heat up an omelet that he brought me home from the hospital, then promptly went back and collapsed in bed for 4 more hours. The kids then sang to me how I smell like a zoo, and then I realized I hadn't showered yet. I couldn't shower yet, because then it was on to walking group for a great morning walk with a surprise cake and ice cream at the end. I was so fun and I felt very loved by my great friends here. Toledo will definitely be missed.

After playing for a while at the park, we rushed home to wake Steve and then I went and took Shaun out of school, and we headed out to b-day lunch. We went to the fanciest place we thought the kids could handle, TGIFriday's. They really wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese, but I couldn't think of anything that would make me loose that omelet and the cake and ice cream faster. So while we were waiting for our food, Steve pull out my presents. The first was a new sudoku book (I'm addicted. Is there some kind of support group for that? SA? Hi, I'm Katie, and I dream in numbers from 1-9 in straight lines across and down, and in small 3x3 squares. Hello Katie.) Then the second gift was the thing I have wanted for probably 4 years now, a trip to Chicago to see Wicked!!!!!!!! I almost started crying. I am so dang excited! We'll go on the 27th of May, and hang out for a few days, and see the sites of Chicago. I can't believe I am finally seeing Wicked. I wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, and can't get back to sleep due to 'Loathing' or 'Defying Gravity' going through my head incessantly. I love it so much that it haunts my every waking moment (even if I'm just partly awake). The 3rd gift came in the mail later, and it was the 6 hour version of Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility on DVD. I could not have asked for 3 better or more thoughtful gifts. It was perfect.

Later, for dinner, my friend Leisy brought over the best Papa Murphy's Pizza I have ever had. I had Chicken, artichoke hearts, spinach, and bacon with a creamy sauce. It was amazing. The kids didn't love the artichokes, so, hey, more for me.

We then went to cooking group and had a most lovely time with our friends, eating and chatting and eating some more. When we came home and I finally put the kids to bed, (about 9;45. Bed time around here is specifically 7:30) I collapsed in a food induce stupor and watched some of Sense and Sensibility until my eyes would no longer focus on Kate Winslet's face framed by her perfect curls.

I loved my birthday, and wish I could do it again tomorrow. Oh well, only 364 more days.

Anyway, in keeping with birthday blog tradition, something you might not know about me is that I give way too many details about minor things. Oh wait, you may have discovered that on your own just now. So, something else you might not know about me is that may biggest dream is to someday sing in the MoTab. I am nowhere near the level you have to be to get in, but I figure I have a a few years to learn. Where there's a will, there's a way, right?


Adam Jensen said...

Happy Birthday! I am so glad you had such a great birthday and such nice friends out there!

hughes family said...

happy birthday katie!! glad you had such a great day and that despite your husbands schedule you still enjoyed a fun, full day! glad you have such nice friends there!
enjoy the 20's, they go fast. :)

The Kalcichs said...

Katie, you are hilarious! I hope you had a great birthday. It sounds like some good things happened. I hope you love Chicago. I went a couple of months ago with some girl friends and had a blast! It is such a cool city. Hey, how about some details on the pregnancy? Also, let us know when you come to the great state of Michigan. We'll have to get together!

The Mathews Family said...

Hey Katie! What an awesome birthday! I am so glad you felt the love :)

I saw Wicked last summer, and yeah, I hear ya about the songs getting stuck in your head! I listen to the soundtrack on my ipod as often as I can. The "Elphaba" on the soundtrack (Idina Menzel) is awesome, but the LA Elphaba (Eden Espinoza) is even BETTER! Seriously, you would die. She's amazing and I can't wait to see it again!!!

Would anyone want to go during the girl's weekend? I'm sure I could figure out something for the babies...hmmm.....

I love that version of Sense and Sensibility. Did you watch the PBS version? I actually think that's my favorite version now. I forget how much you and I have in common. I think you could totally do Mo TAb. I can't wait to see your smiling singing face during Gen. Conference :)

Anyway, congrats on the awesome bday! You totally deserved it :)

Katie and Steve said...

Sorry, so yes, I am pregnant, and I'm not quite sure when I'm due. It's around mid-November. We are very excited, but have ran into some idiot doctors here that won't do a 1st trimester ultrasound to figure out the due date. I thought most places did that now standard. These people are morons, for more reasons than that, but if you need more details you'll have to read it on my blog. Toledo must have some inbreeding problems.
Ann, we move up to the land of unemployment and foreclosures at the end of June. We are so excited, and feel like we can finally settle in (even if we'll be bursting at the seems).

Katie and Steve said...

Oh, Steve said that he can sneek me into the ER one of these days when he's working and do an ultrasound on me. Its not like it cost them anything to do one anyway, so I don't feel guilty sneeking in. (I feel more guilty about the string cheese Steve brings home in handfuls from the residency lounge.)

banks said...

Happy Birthday! It sounds like you are loved out there. Love Kami

Maggie said...

Happy Birthday. You have wonderful friends for bringing you food. Is Steve doing night float or something? Why would he have to go back after being up all night? I am jealous about the Wicked tickets. Good luck with the pregnancy.

Jill said...

Katie, it definitely sounds like you had a great birthday. I am glad you are so happy and doing well. Happy Birthday!