Saturday, May 3, 2008

More getaway info..

Karie raised some good questions about the getaway.

Kami and I have agreed that between the two of us, we should be able to pick people up at the airports. No need to rent a car. You can fly into San Diego or Orange County. It would be nice if everyone could come in at relatively the same time, but of course we realize how nearly impossible that is.

Lets say we need to have everyone here by the night of the 10th or the morning of the 11th so by Friday afternoon we are having the time of our lives! ;) Then flights home lets say Monday evening or Tuesday morning. Just do it however you can.

K, so the cottages are able to accomodate up to (we figure) 9 people. The cost per person won't be more than (we figure) about $70/ person for the whole weekend. (Kami and I might subsidize it a little since we don't have to buy a airplane ticket) If, for some reason, the cottages don't work out, we can always sleep people at mine and Kami's houses. However, Kami and I live about 40 minutes away from each other, so we thought it would be nice to all be together. The fact that its at the beach is just a bonus!! ;)

Flight prices are great on Southwest right now! Get your tickets asap. If gas prices keep rising, it could get ugly!

I guess that's it for now!

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