Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fun Times

Everyone's kids are so cute, I finally decided I needed to add mine in. Halloween was fun and luckily we had great weather. Since then we had our first winter storm about 10 days ago. Lots of snow and it was cold. I found a buddy to work out with in the mornings and when we went out in the storm, my thermometer said 11 degrees. Yikes. Anyway, my little baby is now walking...first steps a week ago. I am kind of sad. I have loved having a baby so don't tell Trent but I won't make it much longer if she grows up any more. Just kidding.
I have a funny story. I left one night and Trent was home with the kids. The boys were jumping off the bunk bed I guess and Brayden said, Dad, I'm glad your home. Mom doesn't let us jump off the bunk bed but we get to do whatever we want when your home. Trent was like, "No you don't, I have rules too." Brayden didn't agree but when he told me the story I said, yes you let them do whatever they want and eat whatever they want too. I am usually the bad guy. Well, I heard a crash and Amelia is crying. Not a good sign.


Adam Jensen said...

that is so hilarious about Trent letting them do what they want :) I can't believe how big Lane looks! Your kids are too cute!

Maggie said...

Your kids look so happy. I love it when kids smile with their whole face. Enjoy your baby!