Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Is anyone else already struggling with keeping their new year's resolutions?  I have completely let mine go!  I am not the type that makes a lot of resolutions each year.  Usually just one or two.  This year, however, I feel extraordinarily inept.  I had a list of 4 resolutions and NOT ONE of them is going well.  Especially my resolution to be more organized.  I bought baskets and bins, made a list of what needed organizing..... and it stopped there.  All I'm DOING is stressing about it now.  I feel like I'm drowning in piles of junk!  Anyone really good at organizing?  Britt?  Megan?  Who else is really organized... ??  Bryony?  Rachel?

The only place in my house that is tidy and organized right now is my office.  I know that's ironic, but seeing all those pretty flowers and ribbons, sewing supplies, papers and scrapbooking tools stored and displayed neatly just makes me GIDDY!  So, I'm on top of that, but my "LIFE" is a mess.  How do I get motivated again?!?

Oh and... Amy- it looks like Idaho is the clear winner!!  Let us know what you need help with k?


Jill said...

jenny, love the new header. As far as organizing goes, when I am feeling lost in all of my junk I just organize one room, closet, or cupboard, that day or week however long I need to give myself to clean the space. I 'm not doing great with my goals either. good luck with yours.

Adam Jensen said...

I like the new header too :) I am not super organized but I can have my moments. I agree with Jill you have to do one thing at a time. And I might suggest having one resolution and not pressure yourself. I never make "formal" resolutions. The more I make a big deal to myself about the task the less likely I am to do it. Just do the best you can one day, one task at a time and pat yourself on the back for a tidy office and for being such a fun and creative girl!

Shelly and Ken said...

I was wondering what is the official dates of the girls weekend?

Maggie said...

Good luck with organizing. Don't be so hard on yourself. It isn't a big deal to have things out of control for a little bit. Usually what I do is wait or procrastinate until the mess is really bothering me. I find I can usually finish the whole job when I am so sick of living in chaos. This works for me better than anything. Plus I am much better at cleaning when I am mad at Jason or his job.

The Kalcichs said...

I like the tip on cleaning when you are mad at your husband. Does that mean that you're mad at your husband a lot if you have a really clean house? Lets just say mine is trashed right now so Damon must be doing something right.
I am failing at my goals, too! It's funny because Hallie and Zeke just did a unit in Joy School on order and goal striving, and like I said there is no order in my house or goals being kept. But we're going to start on a weekly goal for them and me each week. We color in a piece of our 7 day pie chart each day. That's about as basic as it gets I guess. I do love the idea of having the kids set their own goals. Hallie and Zeke are becoming much more independent - or maybe that's because I just can't help them now that I'm always holding the babe!

. said...

Trent taught me a while back not to make New Year's Resolutions. His philosophy is, "Why do you have to wait until a certain day to decide you want to start something...Why not start doing now?" So I stopped setting workout goals and stuff like that, but I still make a few anyway but they are more, this year I want to sew something and talk more positively about the kids. You know, actually let other people know that kids are a good thing and I'm glad I have some. BUt I still tell them my stories, like yesterday Lane played Tarzan on my curtains and my curtain rod is now sagging a foot in the joke. I still love the kid...bless his heart. I am a list maker so I am writing down my To Do list and goals on a daily and weekly basis but that is just because I like checking things off. No worries Jen....Like Mr Incredible says..."We get there when we get there!" I love that.