Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Fun

I love all of the Easter pictures. It's so fun to see how all of the kids have changed since we last saw each other. I can't believe we're coming up on a year. Here's a quick pic of the kids I snapped as we were running out the door to church. Can you tell we're freezing still? When will spring come? Does it come to Michigan? I'm starting to wonder. Actually we've had a couple of days of sunshine and today it got above freezing! There's hope. Speaking of hope, is there any hope for Hallie's hair. I kept thinking the baby hair would eventually change, but 2 1/2 years later it's as thin as ever. She will not let me touch it and I've tried all sorts of "pretties" to pull it back, but she pulls them all out. The baby mullet lives on!


Maggie said...

What cute kids. There is hope for Hallie's hair. Jade also had the baby mullet and in my opinion it is gone. She also wouldn't let me do her hair for awhile but she moved into the princess phase. She loves having her nails and hair done. Then she parades around the house in a princess dress complete with shoes and now her Easter hat. Anyway sorry to steal your post but I wanted to give you hope that someday Hallie will give in and want you to touch her hair.

Adam Jensen said...

They look so cute! I know what you feel like... it seems like spring will never come! We have some nice days here and there, but then you wake up today and it's snowing!

The Mathews Family said...

Sounds like you guys need a So California vacation!! You're welcome anytime!

Your kids look adorable and as for the hair, well at least she has some! ;)