Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Valentines Day Ideas??

Lets post some ideas for Valentines Day here..

I've made the card but need an idea for an inexpensive (or FREE) gift. You ladies come up with anything amazing yet?


hughes family said...

jason's on call on v-day, so i'm trying to decide if i celebrate it on another day or just chalk it up as one of many missed holidays and life goes on as usual. :) maybe if i get a great (free or cheap) idea we could rain check v-day, but i told jason not to count on it.

Jill said...

Luckily Jeremy and I have a kind of truce on this holiday, after all it was just Christmas. I usually make sugar cookies and if I am feeling the spirit I'll write little valentine sayings on them other wise he just gets cookies and I make meatloaf, His favorite and I only do it twice a year because the recipe is so unhealthy. Anyway I am sure it is not much of an idea, its just what we do.

banks said...

I don't really have any ideas. I am not sure what I am going to do, but seeing Jill post about meatloaf I had to add a little something. When I was growing up my mom always made a heart shaped meatloaf. It was so cute, and always a strawberry cheesecake. It is so funny to think about that, just because her eating now is sooo different now. Anyways, I thought it would be cute to carry on the tradition in our family. Well, I made it for Brett for 5 years. Last year was the only year I didn't because I had just had Brayden. It funny because I don't like either of them, and Brett doesn't really like them either. I was really just making them to carry on a silly tradition. SO make a short story long, I need to find a new tradition that both of us will actually like. I am waiting to hear good ideas. Love, Kami

Maggie said...

We also call a truce and don't celebrate this holiday. Although I do try to buy steaks that Jason grills up and we eat by candlelight. Then later when the kids are in bed we dance to Frank Sinatra's Funny Valentine. I help Jade make a valentine and usually end up making my own to give him with a note on how much he means to me. I guess we do celebrate it but not with any store made gifts.

Rachel said...

we kinda do the same :) funny story kami :)
we just get small things... I usually make a nice dinner a special treat too... nothing too crazy. Valentines is a funny holiday anyway.. never very crazy about it. It's too forced ya know what i mean??? stuff like this should be spontaneous.

Rhett and Dora said...

I always make a card and sneak it in Rhett's car the night before. And then I make some tasty treat for when he gets home. I love to bake...mostly because I like to eat yummy desserts! :)

The Kalcichs said...

I think we all know what we'll be giving our husbands for Valentines Day and it doesn't cost a thing!

The Mathews Family said...

Amen Sista!

Joni said...

sometimes when Austin is working and I haven't seen him much, I try to find his car at work and the kids and I leave lipstick kiss marks on the windows and tag his car with little sayings in lipstick (i.e. I love you Captain Healey!) This always suprises and makes Austin happy. If husbands are working on V-day this might be an idea.

Brizzee said...

Oh Anne,
I got a good laugh at your comment. My husband won't be gettin anything on valentines day, he will be giving all his attention to all the other pregnant women in pocatello. I will be at work too so I gues he is off the hook. No I am trying to get Jim Brickman tickets, he is Daves favorite piano player and he is in town the 13th so I really want to take him. As for creative ideas I am fresh out, isn't valentines day a girls holiday anyway. kindof an unspoken thing that says girls really dont have to do anything?


Rachel said...

Ann, you are hilarious. I can just see you saying that too :) ditto jenny amen!

The Shelton Family said...

Okay, I just wrote a long shpeel and it got erased so long story short.....DO SOMETHING!!! We need these holidays to look forward to and pass the time. we also need to know that our husbands are still thinking about us during their busy days and they need to know we still love them for it. Trent and I used to never do anything on any holidays including b-days because of money usually, but a year ago, I said screw this...I want you to do stuff for me. I like surprises and presents so cough it up. Now, we do something (free or not) at every holiday because it's just another excuse to show each other how much we love each other. Blah blah blah.

The Shelton Family said...

So, here's a mostly free idea. Beware...it's not G rated. Get some mini heart stickers and hide them....on your body...you take it from there.