Sunday, April 6, 2008

29, one more year

Ella took this picture up at my parents house today, where we had the white coat burning party, good times.

I don't really know where to start, I have been thinking about what I am going to post the last couple of days. Ella told me yesterday after asking how old I was going to be, "I can't wait until you're 30 so you can be in the same number as Daddy." Pretty funny. Turned 29 today, One more year as a twenty something. Jeremy was on call, the kids had a Happy Birthday sign waiting for me before I went downstairs this morning and presents they couldn't wait for me to open, they were cute.

Just some random things about me,

-sometimes I read too much
-let my kids watch too much tv, like during 2nd session of conference today so I could watch and listen

-get after my kids too much

-probably don't clean my house enough

-still love our house, big yard, pool, living on a circle, and having more than on toilet is a big plus

-glad Taylor lost his pacifier last Monday and has been taking it ok, even though it is incredibly sweet when he says, 'I wan paci, mom" love that kid.

-love it when Jeremy has a weekend off, we are pretty faithful about going out when he does, and we finally call yw to babysit more than family and the kids love them.

-love the almost annual vacation Jeremy and I take w/o kids, though we cheated last year and went to Hawaii twice, Amy thank goodness we went in Oct. and used our vouchers, ata closed shop and declared bankruptcy, Karie hope you guys got to use yours.

-waxed my armpits for the first time yesterday, didn't feel good, but surprising how fast my skin has recovered, hopefully don't have to shave for a while.

-would love to have a place here where it is safe to use my kiln and I could learn how to use it without worrying about the kids getting 3rd degree burns from it, then we could make pottery

-I also forgot how much I like Dr. Erickson, he gives me the VIP treatment as he puts it. I remember so many girls nights talking about our doctors, I am sure you can guess why I was reminded that I liked him, I saw him for a visit last week, hope my family doesn't check this link and figure it out, they still don't know, more details later after the fam finds out.

Goals that I have,

-to exercise more and be in shape (always a goal)

- to eat healthier, for myself and kids and Jeremy, another constant goal I don't always live by

-and teach the gospel more in our home.

Things I would love,

Nanny, house cleaner (to do the detail work I hate), and someone to cook dinner every night, wait a second aren't these all things a stay at home mom is suppose to do, we're still busy that its not wrong of me to want these things is it, dinner is my least favorite chore.

Well I don't know what else I could include, I miss having our girls nights and can't wait for the summer weekend, hope I can make it and as many of you girls can make it as possible, I'm excited.


The Kalcichs said...

Happy Birthday, Jill! I wish I could pop over to your house with some no-bakes! I'm so glad your kids made you signs and presents. That it too sweet. It was fun to read about you. I hope you're feeling ok and Congratulations! Have a great day!

Maggie said...

Happy Birthday!! That is a great picture of you with an incredible view. How nice that Ella is old enough to take great pictures. Congrats on the baby. I hope that things go well.

Adam Jensen said...

Hey Sneaky! Congratulations! That is so exciting. Hope you are feeling well. Happy Birthday. I thought I recognized that back drop in your photo, nice picture you look great! I sure am homesick for AZ. The other day on reading rainbow they did an episode about the sonoran desert, made me so sad and missed all the things I love about the desert. I told Adam if we are going to live in UT or some where like it then I want to be a snowbird so I can still live in AZ part of the year :) Loved reading your post, that is so sweet that your kids made you a poster and gifts! sure miss you guys!

another thing about conference, did you guys catch the last talk of conference directed at the young mothers? I thought it ironic that it was the last of everything when kyler was so ready for something else and tired of listening to the prophet :) he kept saying "bye prophet, all done" while I was trying to listen and asking me to go outside and do something else. Maybe it was a test to see how patient I could be and not snap at him because i couldn't hear. Adam was post call so he didn't have anyone else to ask.

The Mathews Family said...

Hi Jill!! Happy Birthday!! I'm so glad you didn't forget to post :) I love it that you sort of round about made a really HUGE announcement and that we're still the first people to know about stuff like that ;) Tell DR E. Hi for us next time you're in- k? You look awesome and I'm so glad that your kids and hubby acknowledged you yesterday!

I've thought many times how nice it would be to wax my pits instead of shave them... let me know if its worth it!! I hate cooking dinner too and I really hope someday it will become less of a chore for both of us.

I have a friend here who has a live in Senorita who does all the cleaning and most of the cooking (her husband does the rest). She still complains about stuff, so I guess that has made all the difference!

Jonathan & Rachel said...

Happy birthday!! Fun to read more about you! Congrats on the baby-it will be so fun!!! I also would love to wax my armpits-actually I would love to have the hair removed FOREVER-hopefully one day! Your kids are darling and you look great. Hope you are feeling well with pregnancy and all-the best part is that Jeremy will get a whole month off when the baby comes-YEAH!!

banks said...

Happy Birthday! Congrats on the baby. I am happy you get to see Dr. Erickson still. Thanks for posting some fun facts. I am so impressed that you and Jeremy get to go out so much. Brett and I really need to be better about that. I hope I get to see you this summer. Love, Kami

Shelly and Ken said...

Happy Birthday and congrats! I sure miss Dr. Erickson. I told Ken that I want him to deliver our last baby (whenever that is). I absolutely loved him. My best delivery was with him and thus my best recovery. Loved to read your fun facts. Sure miss you. Glad you had a good birthday.

Rhett and Dora said...

Happy belated b-day! Hope you are enjoying the AZ sunshine. I am so jealous.