Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How to wash a white coat...

Okay ladies. I know, its been 5 years of washing these *&%$ white coats, and I still feel like I don't know how to get them really white. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong!! (actually i do think my washing machine is half the problem.)

Anyway, please tell me what you all do. I try to spray the collar, cuffs, etc, with shout or something like that, then i wash it in HOT water WITH bleach. I mean, this should work, right? Maybe its just the end of intern year and his 3 coats have just seen too much, but I am so embarassed that he puts on his nice "clean", pressed coat and it looks "offwhite"!

Any advice?



The Mathews Family said...

James just gets them from the hospital laundry room once his is dirty. Bleaching can cause yellowing too... I don't know what else to tell ya! Sorry :(

Adam Jensen said...

I am not much of a laundry guru... Sounds like what I do with the shout but I don't use bleach. I actually don't own any bleach b/c when I did I always seems to spill it on things and ruin them... carpet, clothing you name it :) Adam usually washes his own coats, but I know he likes this stuff called "yellow out" you can get it at ACE hardware. we haven't had any for a while, but we used to have it for garments... It has this toxic fume that comes up if your not careful, you know like when you put powdered dishwasher soap in the dishwasher and accidentally get a whiff... but anyway it's good stuff. You could try it :) good luck

The Kalcichs said...

I'm not good with laundry, either. My only secret weapon is Oxy-clean. I sometimes mix it with a little water and make a paste out of it to put on the dingy part of clothes and then leave it for a few days. It's always worked for me. Speaking of laundry, do you guys wash your husbands scrubs at home. One of my friends was telling me she got a horrible staph infection that her husband brought home (probably in his clothes) and she seriously almost died. She was in the hospital for several days and now she has all these rules about his laundry. Anyway, good luck with making the white coats white.

Maggie said...

I use spray and wash stain stick on the collar. It works okay but not perfect. I will have to look into yellow-out.

Shelly and Ken said...

I tried to get Ken to wash his scrubs (being ER he doesn't wear a white coat) at the hospital but he said it is too hard to do. He now washes his own scrubs separate from the rest of the laundry. That is really scary about the staph infection.