Monday, April 28, 2008

Long time no post

Wow, it has been so long. Amy, I am so happy for you. Ethan David....great name. Can't wait to see him. So, I never posted pics of my family for Easter. We really didn't get any "Easter" ones but here are some updates. The good family picture is from Kiddie Kandids and are not on my computer.
Oh, where to begin. We are doing great. Been a busy month. We went skiing, Trent and I, in March and then Trent took a week vacation and we made the drive to Oregon. We stopped at Temple Square over Conference weekend and that was cool. Brayden is really into the U-ku-le-le (phinetic spelling) since my sister from Hawaii has been here.
STILL WAITING for the military call. We thought we'd know by mid-April at the latest but now they said they "hope" to have orders out by the end of April. So...whatever. Trent's friend got his orders and is going to Japan. Trent thinks that would be awesome but I'm a bit skeptical. Only 52 days left of intern year. Yippee. Acutually, we've done okay but I will say I've had a lot of help with family being in and out. Funny how my parents are moving in ONE STREET away (literally) in June and we will probably be leaving in July/August. Crazy huh?

Amelia is great and beautiful. I love her so much. I think she actually saved me this year. The boys love her. Brayden and Lane are great too and we just plug along every day with whatever we can find to do...Costco sampling, library, walks, park, etc. The weather here is awesome. It might snow for an hour or two, but then you can go outside and play in it an hour later because the sun is shining and it warms up so fast. I love it.

So, my only problem these days is that I am getting too into talk radio and Glen Beck. So, I am freaking out about the economy and where the world is heading. I've gone full throddle (sp?) into getting my one year food storage. The military is just going to have to move it all. I've dedicated our whole "economic stimulus package" to getting it. We've got a good 4 months, well probably 6 now that I've been to the store a lot in the past few days. Anyone else getting scared or just me??

Okay, totally stoked about seeing everyone in July. Awesome. None of you better cop out. Okay, that'll do for now. Oh, Maggie...totally jealous of your beautiful house. Wowsers.


Jill said...

Jeremy says he really misses the Sheltons. Hope you guys find out where you're going soon. I think I would be a little skeptical of Japan as well. Glad to hear you have had so much family over during intern year and that your parents are moving in, too bad its so near the end. I'll see you in July. Jill

The Kalcichs said...

I'm so glad to see some pics of you guys and hear how you are doing. My sister and her husband are shipping out to Okinawa in July with the Army - so you guys could hang out if you get sent to Japan. It's supposed to be a lot like Hawaii. I hope you guys are happy where ever you end up. I think the waiting is the hardest part. I didn't know your parents were moving to Denver. I'm glad you've had some help this year. Amelia is so beautiful and the boys seem so grown up. Great to hear from you!

Brizzee said...

Wow Karie, it was so good to hear from you. We have thought a lot about you guys and once in awhile Dave will laugh and tell me some funny thing about Trent. I'm glad to hear you are doing well. It gives me some courage to hear that you are managing through intern year with three. I am getting a little scared to see how it will go when Dave goes back to work. He lucked out and got two weeks off. I am loving having him home. So it is possible for you guys to be out of the country huh? How likely is it? Well maybe instead of Hawaii again we will just have to make a trip to whatever exotic place you guys are at. Dave says almost everyday he wants to go back to Hawaii. That isn't gonna happen for awhile. Anyway, I'm with you, I hope everyone makes it this summer and I can't wait to meet all the new little ones.

Maggie said...

And I thought last year was tough for not knowing where we would be living next. I can't even imagine how bad it is to not know yet. Let us know as soon as you find out. I am also impressed with you driving to Oregon. Jason complained almost the whole way to disneyworld and it was only an eight hour drive. Good luck with everything. Your kids look great!!

banks said...

So good to hear from you. I am so impressed that you have got so much food storage. I really need to be better. Maybe I should listen to more talk radio or Glenn Beck. I have heard him a few times, and I real liked what I hear. Anyways, I am looking so forward to see you in July. It is going to be soooo fun. Loves, Kami

Brizzee said...

Karie, it is funny you should mention glenn beck and food storage. We too watch his show. Dave dvr's it everyday. We are getting so spooked as well. Dave is actually finishing our storage room as I type. He is installing rolling can shelves and then we are going to make a list and go use some savings and totally stock up. I hate to even think about it. Anyway, do you by any chance have those pictures from our hike in Hawaii? We keep meaning to call you guys and get those. Is there anyway you can email them to us? amy

The Mathews Family said...

Hey Karie! THANK You so much for posting!! Your kids are super cute. I know what you mean about Amelia saving you this year. Annabelle has most definitely been my saving grace.

I can only imagine how you must feel anticipating your military orders. Japan is nice- I've heard from a lot of friends around here who have lived there that its great. Just kinda hot and humid in the Summer, but exotic and gorgeous the rest of the year.

I am SOOOOOOoooo looking forward to July. More details on that coming up vvery soon!

Now I'm totally freaked out!! I better get on the food storage thing. I only have 2 months... and our 72 hour kit is 7 years old. No baby stuff in there at all! Good idea about the stimulus going toward that. Guess the new camera will have to wait :(