Friday, April 18, 2008

July it is!

Ladies, mark your calendars for the second weekend in July. I'm thinking the main festivities will occur on July 11th-13th. I haven't been able to reserve the cottages yet... they won't reserve out that far until the 20th.. so soon.

Here's who I have so far:
Jill YES
Rachel J. YES
Karie YES
Kami YES
Katie NO
Maggie NO
Meghan ?
Shelly ?
Ann NO?
Jenny C YES
Bryony ?
Rachel M ?
AnnMarie ?

I don't have a clue what James' schedule is in July, either. I'm gambling that it will be an outpatient month.... but if it isn't, I'll just work it out some other way. We'll be sure to make it baby friendly for those of us with new babies (that I am super excited to squish) and the preggos too!

Everyone wish AMY and Rachel M. Good luck! They'll both be havin' their babies veeeeery soon!!! Amy is already at 4 cm!


Jill said...

sounds good Jenny, thanks for putting it all together. I've already got Jeremy requesting not to be on call that weekend, crossing my fingers that he isn't, but it really doesn't matter, because I will do whatever I have to do to be there.

hughes family said...

i still don't know jason's schedule for july, but i'm really hoping to come! even if he's not off for weekends that month, i can try to get my mom or someone else to help with the kids. I will keep you posted, but I'm so hoping to come!!

Jonathan & Rachel said...

I'm guessing I'm probably a no-darn it. With a new baby and Jonathan on an ugly month, I'm doubting I could pull it off! You guys will have tons of fun!