Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hilarious Blog!

This is one of the most hilarious things I've ever read...seriously, if you've got a minute (or an hour-which is as long as I spent reading it) it is time well spent and will make you laugh your head off!! This is a mother of 6 who is getting tons of attention from her blog and even more attention from an ebay listing (which you can get to off of her blog). Honestly, I'm sure she'll be on Letterman or Leno or something-it's amazing how much attention she is getting-deservedly so! I'm sure we can all relate!!


Maggie said...

That poor woman!! I hate shoppig with my two let alone going out with six kids. I think she must be some what insane to go shopping with them all. I think I would beg a nieghbor to watch a couple kids before I would go shopping with them all. But good for her for not letting her kids get what they want.

The Mathews Family said...

It took me a while, but I finally found her ebay listing and read the famous grocery shopping blurb. I laughed hysterically! Yesterday James and I took the kids and did $160 worth of grocery shopping. Even with the both of us there, we ended up having to take them back out to the car for some.. uhem.. discipline. I can't imagine how I'll do it with three!

AnnMarie said...

I must have been laughing pretty good because it attracted Andersen who whanted to know what was so funny. I don't think he quite found it as funny as I did (he NEVER goes shopping with the three boys, wait, he never goes shopping). I only have three and I STILL get that "are they all your's" comment. Here's the link right to the ebay post (It took me a while to find it too, jen):

Joni said...

Ahhh! Oh how familiar! I read it the day after shopping and I laughed my head off and then wanted to cry because it was a little too close to home! The only thing she left out was the constant "would you stop touching me! MOMMY she looked at me mean! MOMMY she is touching me again!" It was nice to hear it all in a comical way. Four is tough, but I haven't ever had to ebay anything brought home unexpectedly. I guess I have to make it to six kids to enjoy that experience. Thanks for sharing Rachel! That was great!